Sunday, September 27, 2009

You are a programmer if....

Every combination of three letters is a meaningful acronym for you.

Instead of saying "Let's discuss this later" you say "Let's take this offline"

Instead of saying "Let me know when you're available" you say "Ping me when you are available"

Instead of asking "Any general comments?" you ask "Any high level comments?"

You can remember seventeen computer passwords but not your anniversary.

You start laughing hysterically when the topic of computer reliability is brought up.

You are more comfortable writing code than writing prose.

When you hear the term "Evil Empire," you don't think of geopolitics, but of Microsoft.

You own more than 50 T-shirts, but can't remember the last time you actually paid for one.

You're the highest-paid but worst-dressed person in the office.

You get involved in heated conversations on forums concerning things that normal people have ever even heard of.

You've spent more time in front of a computer screen than a television screen.

Your PC's monitor is bigger than your television screen.

You are primarily offended by the use of goto when someone tells you to go to Hell.

The statement (0x2b||!0x2b) makes sense to you.

You note with disgust that it always evaluates to true.

You think the real bugs have nothing to do with insects or spiders.

You know that 10-9.9 is not necessarily equal to 0.1.

You are aware of many different kinds of beans that have nothing to do with plants (JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans, Spring beans, MBeans, NetBeans, etc.).

You know that Perl is not Pearl misspelled.